Harrow Arts & Leisure Access Group
The Arts and Leisure Access Group (ALAG) works to showcase local integrated arts and leisure opportunities that are fully accessible to all. ALAG is made up of representatives from Harrow Council Arts and Leisure, Harrow Association of Disabled People, Changes Nightclub and others. The group was formed in 2003 to celebrate the European Year of Disabled People. Since then ALAG has organised events around the International Day of Disabled Persons which falls on 3rd December.
Over the years Changes Nightclub has been associated with a number of events which take part in the 3 day festival. This has included a number of outside gigs, many of which have taken place in Harrow Town Centre to a very busy crowd!
ALAG now celebrates 5 glorious years! Changes looks forward to participating again this December. Watch this space for information on the forthcoming ALAG events.
The Inclusions Project
Community LinkUp Inclusions Project Harrow charity, ran the 'The Inclusions Project' which was set up to help people with learning disabilities to access mainstream recreational activities within the community with support if needed.